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Victory Income Investors - Monthly Fixed Income Market Update


Year-over-year CPI for May came in at 3.3% driven by services inflation. This is down from 3.4% in April. Year-over-year Core CPI decreased as well, to 3.4%. June’s FOMC meeting left markets with the understanding that the Fed expects inflation to remain elevated in the near term but anticipates it will fall in 2025.

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Sophus Capital - Perspectives - From the Month In Review


With headlines recirculating around de-dollarization in the aftermath of the most recent BRICS annual leaders’ summit, we consider the fundamentals at present both in terms of geopolitics and economics. 

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Integrity Catalyst Monthly


Late-cycle conditions continue with the economy facing lagged impacts of Fed tightening, tougher lending standards, and declining profits. We continue to avoid or underweight the most economically cyclical parts of the markets.

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Victory Income Investors - Monthly Municipal Bond Market Update


Munis returns remain positive year-to-date, despite negative returns for the month across all fixed income indices, driven largely by a continued rise in rates.

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WestEnd Advisors - Lingering Late-Cycle, Lagged Headwinds


Late-cycle conditions continue with the economy facing lagged impacts of Fed tightening, tougher lending standards, and declining profits. We continue to avoid or underweight the most economically cyclical parts of the markets.

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Sophus Capital - Perspectives - From the Month In Review


With headlines recirculating around de-dollarization in the aftermath of the most recent BRICS annual leaders’ summit, we consider the fundamentals at present both in terms of geopolitics and economics. 

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Victory Income Investors - Monthly Fixed Income Market Update


A resilient Nonfarm Payrolls release on August 4th and a higher-than-expected Consumer Price Index release on the 10th indicated that, despite repeated interest rate hikes by the Federal Reserve (the Fed), the U.S. economy was still running hot.

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Markets Navigate Uncertain Environment


Financial markets have stabilized this year and the economy has proven resilient, even shaking off turmoil in the banking sector. Yet tight labor markets persist, and the possibility of consumer credit defaults might portend economic weakness. How should fixed income investors be positioning? Learn more from INCORE Capital Management.

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Markets Navigate Uncertain Environment


Nobody said it would be easy. The Federal Reserve has its hands full trying to coax inflation down from stubbornly high levels. But is it tightening monetary conditions to the point of sending the economy into recession? Or maybe the Fed really can engineer the proverbial “soft landing.” Learn how INCORE Capital Management sees the situation unfolding in their latest Asset TV presentation.

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Can the Fed Successfully Engineer a “Soft” Landing?


Nobody said it would be easy. The Federal Reserve has its hands full trying to coax inflation down from stubbornly high levels. But is it tightening monetary conditions to the point of sending the economy into recession? Or maybe the Fed really can engineer the proverbial “soft landing.” Learn how INCORE Capital Management sees the situation unfolding in their latest Asset TV presentation.

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Fed Slams Brakes, Causing "Pain" for Markets


The Federal Reserve is not fooling around and continues to ratchet up the federal funds rate in large increments.This aggressive tightening should help bring inflation into check, but how much pain is in store for the economy, and how should fixed income investors be positioning? Tune into the latest AssetTV presentation from INCORE Capital Management to learn more.

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Fixed Income Insights: Can the Fed Successfully Engineer a "Soft" Landing?


It’s no secret that inflation concerns continue to build, which is forcing the Federal Reserved to make a harder-than-anticipated pivot with regard to its monetary policy. What does this mean for fixed income investors?

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Many shades of ESG: A holistic view of the alpha opportunities


Can ESG strategies deliver alpha? Check out this podcast with Christopher Cuesta, Chief Investment Officer of THB Asset Management, to learn more about the opportunities and challenges associated with ESG investing, and where it’s all headed.

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The long-awaited secular bond bear market is here



Although the U.S. economy continues to grow, inflation is running hot, and it now looks like the FOMC will raise rates an additional nine times this year. Has a bear market in bonds finally arrived? INCORE Capital Management's Senior Portfolio Manager Rich Consul sheds some light on this environment.


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FOMC shifts focus towards persistent inflation



After the latest string of surprising CPI data, the Federal Reserve is acknowledging that tight labor markets and supply chain issues may make inflation more persistent than originally anticipated. What does this mean for fixed income investors? INCORE Capital Management's Senior Portfolio Manager Rich Consul digs into the data and shares his team’s views on the current environment.

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Job recovery slows but inflation pressures remain



There are no lack of cross-currents facing investors these days. On one hand, the economy has rebounded to pre-crisis levels. On the other hand, significant inflation pressures remain. It’s tricky out there. Tune in to INCORE Capital Management's latest insights to learn how Senior Portfolio Manager Rich Consul views the landscape and how the INCORE team is positioning fixed income portfolios.

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Excess liquidity supporting growth and low yields



The U.S. is on track for robust economic growth, thanks largely to exceedingly accommodative fiscal and monetary policies. What does this mean for fixed income investors? INCORE Capital Management Senior Portfolio Manager Rich Consul goes deep on the economic backdrop and how he’s positioning portfolios.

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A strategic approach to supplement income



Improve portfolio efficiency by accumulating dividends while abating risk.

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Fiscal stimulus drives the "reflation trade"



As the economy continues to expand, this Victory Capital Management webinar explores the role of monetary and fiscal policy. INCORE Capital Management Senior Portfolio Manager Rich Consul describes the macroeconomic landscape, his corporate credit view, and positioning strategy. 

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The great MMT experiment



Rich Consul of INCORE Asset Management points out that fiscal and monetary policies are driving asset prices higher and fueling an economic recovery in the near term. In effect, this is becoming a test run for Modern Monetary Theory (MMT). But are there longer-term ramifications to this approach? Learn more about the outlook for the economy and fixed income markets.

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