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Investment Approach

The Trivalent International Developed Equity strategy seeks to outperform its benchmark, the MSCI EAFE Index, over an investment cycle while maintaining an appropriate level of risk.

Philosophy & Process

The Trivalent team believes that superior risk-adjusted performance is achieved over time through both fundamental analysis and risk management and that a focused effort on security selection is the key to achieving consistent results. The goal is to create a broadly diversified portfolio from the developed countries represented in the MSCI EAFE Index. Each security is carefully selected, not only for its potential alpha contribution to the portfolio, but also for its overall impact on the portfolio’s risk profile. Risk controls, which help to avoid unintended risk and highlight stock selection, are a key part to the portfolio construction process. Effective risk management is an essential part in assembling the portfolio and risk controls embedded in our portfolio construction process help to ensure that market capitalization, sector weights, and country allocations remain within predetermined tolerance levels.

Management Team

Dan LeVan
Dan LeVan, CFA

Chief Investment Officer – Trivalent Investments

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