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Financial Command and Control for Transition Readiness

The Road to Victory is a personal journey unique to all veterans. It can be marked by different obstacles and lead to distinct outcomes. Victory Capital is proud to share the stories of these remarkable veterans. We hope they inspire you to set your own course on the Road to Victory.

Road to Victory | Swan song

Watch Kira's story

Kira Loera is an accomplished runner and an Air Force officer transitioning to retirement. She has an inspiring story about meeting life’s challenges, living your values, and being a successful investor. Hear how she equates investment success with running a marathon.

Road to Victory | Human capital

Watch Liza's story

Liza Rodewald is a successful entrepreneur and army spouse. Her husband has had six deployments in the last seven years. In that time, she has found work for hundreds of military spouses around the world. She’s got good advice for aspiring business owners. Hear more here how her life mantra built a multi-million dollar business.

Road to Victory | Security investment

Watch Alani's story

Alani Bankhead is an Air Force veteran who has always hated bullies. So, it’s fitting she is a former counterintelligence special agent who ran informants in Iraq to find high-level terrorists. Today, she hunts down human traffickers and white-collar criminals. It’s the job she was destined to do. Hers is an amazing story!

Road to Victory | Market order

Watch Lamont's story

When Coast Guard veteran Lamont Brown was told by a superior that his dream would never become a reality, he did what any would-be restauranteur would do. He ignored the dress down. See his recipe for a successful transition.

Road to Victory | Following seas

Watch Doug's story

Retired Navy submariner, Doug Nordman, says retirement is just life 2.0. He spends his time surfing and teaching service members and military families the value of financial readiness as they plan for the transition to civilian life. Watch this inspirational story.

Road to Victory | Honorarium

Watch David's story

David Tenenbaum is an Air Force veteran and the founder of the nonprofit, Honor Media. His journey from the military through the private sector to a charity working with veterans is a lesson in service. It’s also a touching tribute to, and the greatest expression of, honoring his father. Watch his triumphant story of redemption.

Road to Victory | Maternal bond

Watch Flossie's story

Flossie Hall is a mother, active duty Navy spouse, and Chief Operating Officer of the Association of Military Spouse Entrepreneurs. All of this requires a talent for juggling and a strong maternal instinct. Not only does she help military families around the world start their own businesses, she’s also putting a daughter through college and preparing three others to do the same. Watch her remarkable story.

Road to Victory | Warriors road

Watch Andre's story

Andre Andrews is a Navy veteran serving a mission greater than himself. Inspired by World War II and Korean War veterans, he leveraged his military experience to give back to other vets and first responders. The first step in his journey was taking advantage of the GI Bill. Watch his inspiring story!

Road to Victory | Opportunity cost

Watch Alicia's story

For retired Army Sergeant, Alicia Hanf, transitioning to civilian life seemed easy. That was until she learned of her mother’s death. Numb to the world and short of breath, she needed to find her last known point. Watch her remarkable story.

Road to Victory | Financial fitness

Watch Austen's story

Austen Alexander is a Navy veteran and fitness and lifestyle influencer. In his first years of military service, his debt negatively affected his financial wellbeing, mental health, and physical condition. Then, he started to educate himself. He began to translate his discipline in the gym to his finances. Watch his powerful story of renewal.

Road to Victory | Economic harmony

Watch Raymond's story

Raymond Lott is a decorated combat veteran for whom music is a form of therapy that helps calm the noise. Today, he is a successful music executive and the label he owns gives veteran musicians a platform to tell their stories to the people. But his success wasn’t instant. Watch and see what led to his remarkable breakthrough.

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